Eclipse in current form, 26x1.95 tires, 42t Richey outer chainring...
It might seem wierd to have a whole page just about one particular bike when you own several, but the amazing thing is that this particular bike is that it's hard to find any info on it.
Eclipse mtb by the Passaic river a few years ago...before the gov't bulldozed half the trail.
Basically, the frame was made for a Canadian bike shop, sold as their house brand. It has fine features. They probably used a factory that supplies some of the name brand bikes we all are familiar with.
Eclipse with really wide 26x2.2 WTR Tyrannoraptor tires. It's now sporting Bontrager Jones 26x1.95s that are a little less Jurassic in size...
This is from one online posting: "Eclipse are primarliy sold in the Ottawa area using the Pecco's Cycling LBS as their retail arm. The Eclipse folks tell me that demand is so strong that they are in no rush to expand beyond Pecco's and on-line..." ( More info coming...
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